An Embrace in the Form of Art
When I think of ‘mothering’ energy, I envision the ability to simultaneously hold space for others with strength and certainty — while also with great softness and compassion.
Each of the symbols in my latest series was created to act as a lighthouse in your space — a way to catch your attention and offer a momentary respite from the daily ‘noise’ of your emotions and external circumstances; an opportunity to reset your perspective, energy or mindset, as you begin, move through, or end your day.
Although all the Muses communicate their own sense of comfort,
it is ‘HELD’ and ‘PRESENCE’ that hold particular resonance with the concept of ‘Mother/ing.’
The PRESENCE symbol in my new series offers such generosity in its
spacious U shape. It has profound meaning in its deceivingly simple form.
Simultaneously eliciting a sense of holding, receiving, AND giving —
reaching up and out like an embrace
I recently felt its potential in real-time with my 8yr old daughter.
As she tried to share an animated story from school that day, my mind raced with all I hadn’t managed to get done on the ‘list’ — that person I’d forgotten to call AGAIN; the medical appointment I REALLY needed to book; how I DESPERATELY needed to scribble down an idea about one of my projects, before I inevitably lost it.
As I felt my brain pulled in 10 directions, my PRESENCE symbol suddenly came to mind. I was immediately reminded to pause and take a breath, its shape already starting to offer a sense of calm.
I was far more able to listen with full attention, as I intentionally ‘took on’ the quality of its rounded, open-armed form.
At that moment, I was reminded of the profound power of these distilled symbols. How, in a millisecond, this form entered my subconscious, and was able to alter my inner state.
In momentarily embodying this shape, I was reminded of the kind of mom I want to be and the quality of attention I want to give the people that I love.
I’ve since had this same experience with my husband, and times, even with a task I’m struggling to focus on. When my attention gets pulled away, I bring this shape to mind. It reminds me to stay open and receptive, bringing a sense of abundance to my attention and listening.
Having the symbol of PRESENCE as a visual cue in my home helps to remind me of this every day.
The HELD symbol encompasses the receptivity and generosity of the PRESENCE form.
It communicates the feeling of holding others and of being held,
visually embodying both strength and softness.
. . .
As a sensitive person, I’ve always loved and sought comfort in the concept of CONTAINERS.
Places and people that offer a feeling of refuge, safety, and ease. We can seek and find containers everywhere, but these are some of my favourites:
Immersion in water: in a bath, hot tub, pool or lake (but especially warm water)
The solidity and softness of my bed
That certain person’s voice or presence
Laying under a tree and looking up into its canopy, feeling the solidity of the earth beneath me
When we feel truly HELD, we feel grounded within the stability and comfort of that embrace. When we can hold another, literally or figuratively, we feel connected to our natural human instinct to help and comfort others.
Both of these images hang in my home, where I see and derive meaning from them every day. They remind me that I am my best and most generous self (ie. parent, partner, daughter, friend) when I begin with mothering from within.
At times when I feel scattered or uncertain —
the visual cue of these shapes helps to hold and contain me.
In developing this series, I imagined the muses finding their way out into the world as gifts — given intentionally to special, beloved people (or to oneself).
Whether to mark an occasion, be a source of comfort during a difficult time, serve as a reminder of inner strength or just as a ’no reason’ gift — my hope is that the receiver experiences them as 'an embrace in the form of art'.
Nicole Kagan
Photo Credits:
Christina Gapic, Melanie Gordon + Nicole Kagan