Hello Everyone,

I am so looking forward to facilitating your private workshop experience next __________.

(Please do me a quick favour after reading this through, and REPLY with a quick “GOT IT” so I know you did. ;-)


When: Tues, April 9 

10am -1 pm

* Please try your best to arrive at 10:00 to help yourself to a cup of tea or snack and to hit up the bathroom inside the Barns.  

If you haven’t been here before, you might want to arrive 5 mins earlier to locate my studio. (see map below for the red X))

Some suggestions of how to prepare: 

  • Bring a notebook if you like to jot things down.

  • Bring a travel mug if you’d prefer not to use paper cups for tea. (I’ll have glasses for water). 

  • Bring ‘inside’ shoes or slippers if it’s a rainy/wet morning (as I might ask that you to remove wet shoes)

  • Dress in comfortable layers AND in something that you won’t mind getting messy — wouldn’t want a spot of ink to land on your favourite sweater or jeans!

    • Temperatures can be a bit unpredictable in here so layers are your friend) 

  • There will be some snacks & tea available (& we will have a little break 1/2 way through) but I suggest having a nice breakfast before coming, so you can focus and feel relaxed. 

  • Please let me know if you have any food or environmental sensitivities that I should be aware of.


Location:  Studio #161—  The Wychwood Barns 

(Note: While technically the address of the barns is 601 Christie Street, my studio entrance is actually closer to the Wychwood Avenue side of the Barns, south of Benson ave.  — See RED X on map below. 


Studio #161 is one of five south-facing studios that faces the playground and is next-door to the ‘Children’s Art Studio'.

If you have any other questions, feel free to send me a note or call 416. 648. 1926

See you on ________!

(and just one last reminder to REPLY with a quick GOT IT to confirm you’ll know where you’re going etc..)

